Register your interest to take part in activities

You can register your interest to take part in our consumer activities. If you take part in an activity, you’ll help us plan, design and deliver better health services for children and young people.

To register your interest, please complete our online form. Tell us a bit about yourself and the type of activities you have an interest in, or the specific consumer opportunity you wish to apply for.

Our Consumer Engagement Officer will keep the information in the form safe. We will use it to contact you to discuss any consumer representative opportunities.

Thank you for taking the time to register your interest in consumer engagement with CHQ.

Contact details
Tell us how you would like to be involved
I would like to apply for a specific role advertised on the ways to get involved page.
I am interested in
Information about you
I am a
Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin?
Is English your first language?
Do you identify as a member of a cultural or ethnic group?
Do you have a disability?
Are you currently employed by us or another Hospital and Health Service? *

Privacy notice

The personal information you supply on this form is collected for the purposes of Consumer Engagement activities we coordinate. By supplying the form, you have consented to having your personal details added to our Consumer Engagement Register and being contacted through the contact details provided by us with offers of participation in Consumer Engagement activities. We comply with the National Privacy Principles in the Information Privacy Act 2009. We won’t disclose your personal information to anyone else unless you consent or the disclosure is allowed, authorised or required by law. You can apply to access or amend documents held by us under the Information Privacy Act 2009 and the Right to Information Act 2009. You can accept or decline any offer to participate and at any time your details can be removed from our Consumer Engagement Register on your request.

Read our privacy policy to learn more.

Last updated: March 2024