Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Equity Strategy 2022–2025

Our health equity strategy

We co-designed our strategy with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers, community members, staff and partner organisations.

We worked together to define what we're going to do and how we'll know we're successful.

Our 6 key priority areas are:

  • eliminating racial discrimination and institutional racism
  • increasing access to healthcare services
  • influencing the social, cultural and economic controls of health
  • delivering sustainable, culturally safe and responsive healthcare services
  • working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to design, deliver, monitor and review health services
  • strengthening the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workforce.

Read our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Equity Strategy 2022-2025.

Implementation plan

The plan outlines 3 years of proposed activities with performance measures to monitor our progress.

We developed the plan with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, consumers, families, carers, staff, Elders, young people, and the broader community.

Read our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Equity Strategy 2022-2025 – Implementation Plan.

Contact us

If you'd like to know more about our health equity strategy, you can email our program manager at CHQ_Healthequity@health.qld.gov.au.

Last updated: September 2023